Social media

Social media is a phrase being tossed around a lot these days, but it can sometimes be difficult to answer the question of what is social media. If MySpace is a social media site, and Mag.nolia is a social media site, and Wikipedia is a social media site, then just what is social media?

What is Social Media?

The best way to define social media is to break it down. Media is an instrument on communication, like a newspaper or a radio, so social media would be a social instrument of communication.
In Web 2.0 terms, this would be a website that doesn't just give you information, but interacts with you while giving you that information. This interaction can be as simple as asking for your comments or letting you vote on an article, or it can be as complex asFlixster recommending movies to you based on the ratings of other people with similar interests.
Think of regular media as a one-way street where you can read a newspaper or listen to a report on television, but you have very limited ability to give your thoughts on the matter.
Social media, on the other hand, is a two-way street that gives you the ability to communicate too.

Key Principles for Social Media Managers:

social media icons
  • Social media is about conversations, community, connecting with the audience and building relationships. It is not just a broadcast channel or a sales and marketing tool.
  • Authenticity, honesty and open dialogue are key.
  • Social media not only allows you to hear what people say about you, but enables you to respond. Listen first, speak second.
  • Be compelling, useful, relevant and engaging. Don’t be afraid to try new things, but think through your efforts before kicking them off. 

  • Top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites | February 2015

    Here are the top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites as derived from our eBizMBA Rank which is a continually updated average of each website's Alexa Global Traffic Rank, and U.S. Traffic Rank from both Compete and Quantcast."*#*" Denotes an estimate for sites with limited data.
    Facebook1 | Facebook
    3 - eBizMBA Rank | 900,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 3 - Compete Rank | 3 - Quantcast Rank | 2 - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
    The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
    Twitter2 | Twitter
    12 - eBizMBA Rank | 310,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 21 - Compete Rank | 8 - Quantcast Rank | 8 - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
    The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
    LinkedIn3 | LinkedIn
    18 - eBizMBA Rank | 255,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 25 - Compete Rank | 19 - Quantcast Rank | 9 - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
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    Pinterest4 | Pinterest
    22 - eBizMBA Rank | 250,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 27 - Compete Rank | 13 - Quantcast Rank | 26 - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
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    Google+5 | Google Plus+
    30 - eBizMBA Rank | 120,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *32* - Compete Rank | *28*- Quantcast Rank | NA - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
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    Tumblr6 | Tumblr
    34 - eBizMBA Rank | 110,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 55 - Compete Rank | *13* - Quantcast Rank | 34 - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
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    Instagram7 | Instagram
    77 - eBizMBA Rank | 100,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 49 - Compete Rank | 145 - Quantcast Rank | 36 - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
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    VKontakte8 | VK
    97 - eBizMBA Rank | 80,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *150* - Compete Rank |*120* - Quantcast Rank | 21 - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
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    Flickr9 | Flickr
    123 - eBizMBA Rank | 65,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 138 - Compete Rank | 139 - Quantcast Rank | 91 - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
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    Vine10 | Vine
    581 - eBizMBA Rank | 42,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 237 - Compete Rank | 335 - Quantcast Rank | 1,172 - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
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    Meetup11 | Meetup
    596 - eBizMBA Rank | 40,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 791 - Compete Rank | 701 - Quantcast Rank | 296 - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
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    Tagged12 | Tagged
    702 - eBizMBA Rank | 38,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1,082 - Compete Rank |615 - Quantcast Rank | 408 - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
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    Ask fm13 |
    779 - eBizMBA Rank | 37,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 2,046 - Compete Rank |113 - Quantcast Rank | 179 - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
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    Meet Me14 | MeetMe
    1,457 - eBizMBA Rank | 15,500,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1,407 - Compete Rank |635 - Quantcast Rank | 2,328 - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
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    Classmates15 | ClassMates
    1,487 - eBizMBA Rank | 15,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 153 - Compete Rank |*285* - Quantcast Rank | 4,022 - Alexa Rank | February 1, 2015.
    The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA

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